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Building a Basketball Court - NBA Size Basketball Court Dimensions

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What are the correct NBA basketball court dimensions?

Building a Basketball Court - NBA Size Basketball Court Dimensions

The correct dimensions of an NBA size basketball court are summarized below from the NBA rules, Section 1. First, the basketball court should measure 94 feet from baseline to baseline and 50 feet from sideline to sideline. The halfcourt line should be marked in the middle, 47 feet from either baseline. The ‘jump circle' at halfcourt must have a 2 foot radius and be surrounded by a second circle that has a 6 foot radius. From each baseline, measure 18 feet and 10 inches to mark your free throw line and the length of the ‘lane', which should measure 16 feet total width. The 3 point arc in the NBA is 22ft to the center of the rim on the sides ( the arc starts 5 ft 3 in from the baseline, being a straight line until that point) then the curved part of the arc is 23ft. 9 in. from the center of the rim. For further information about basketball court dimensions, check out a free copy of the NBA Rules & Guidelines.



1/26/2007 12:06:52 PM
wanto be Wade said:

This site rules because it gives me the ifo i need

3/31/2007 11:41:27 AM
mark shea said:

this tip is grand

4/4/2009 6:52:17 PM
Jeff said:

How about a drawing. Also need dimensions for the three point line.

10/10/2010 7:45:44 AM
Amanda said:

This site rocks my basketball shoes off the court!!!!!!

5/4/2011 4:43:15 PM
.................................................................................................... said:


10/23/2011 11:33:44 AM
wayne said:

seems to be a LOT of differences in the 3 point line? were trying to lay out the floor for our Admirals in MI. if the Arc is 23'9"-- 169" for the straight is all wrong!! Help!!


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