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Put Some Arc On Your Shot

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How do I get a "shooter´s touch"?

Put Some Arc On Your Shot

Get the ball up in he air with a nice high arc. The arc will give you a bigger margin of error because it basically increases the size of the rim. Look at the rim coming straight down, and then like at it from head on like a line drive shot coming straight at the rim. The rim shrinks when you shoot a line drive. Just ask Shaq, who throws darts at the free throw line and is notorious for his bad free throw shooting.



7/25/2006 12:24:10 PM
adam cooper said:

i love all of the tips i just wanted to know what would happen if i put one star but i think all of your tips deserve 5 stars

11/8/2006 11:31:11 AM
cody said:

this works

3/24/2009 10:23:26 PM
Boggs said:

Great advice. Looking at the rim in that angle and visualizing that will burn it in your brain everytime you shoot. GET ARC ON IT!

11/7/2009 10:09:24 PM
jfgjgdyry said:

dont b hatin on shaq !!!

11/7/2009 11:34:58 PM
Brian said:

lol, I don't "be hatin' on shaq. He's an all-time great Center. He is also known for his horrendous free throw shooting, much of which is due to his "lack of arc" on his shot.

1/17/2010 7:43:15 AM
phillip said:

yep thanks for the tips i think i cant do this for the intams thx


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