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The Midas Touch

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I've been working with a coach latety and he says I can shoot very well and defend very well, but he said I don't have a soft touch and I think too much when I'm in the game. Can you tell me what he means and how I can work on this?

The Midas Touch

Having a soft touch is very desirable, and really just means that rather than clanging off the rim, your ball dribbles softly around the edge - due to your soft touch. To develop a soft touch, you want to have more rotation on the ball when you shoot and a higher arch to your ball. An undesirable trait is thinking too much, and it is due to being tentative. To overcome this tentativeness you want to make sure that when you don't have the ball you think about what you will do with it when you get it (for example - "If I'm open for the shot I will shoot it." etc). This prevents you from freezing up and "thinking too much" once you have the ball.



7/7/2007 1:32:52 AM
ben said:

i like the whole site,its fantastic!There are lots of skills i want to know in there!

3/24/2009 10:30:30 PM
Boggs said:

Solid post once again.

5/2/2009 1:57:01 PM
Marceles said:

i believe that this is very true most shots are missed becuase of freezing up

5/10/2010 1:04:31 PM
wolf creek warriors said:

my team won the "B" team bigfoot conference at wolf creek school in pine ridge SD. it was all because of good shooting and good pays, footworks


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