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Create space

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how do I get the ball in the post?

Create space

Create as much space for the pass as possible: A) If the defense is on the baseline side, set up lower to create more space for the pass on the high side - KEEP CONTACT WITH THE DEFENSE! B) If the defense is on the (top) high side, set up higher to create more space for the pass on the baseline side - KEEP CONTACT WITH THE DEFENSE! C) If the defense is behind, set up at the edge of the lane above the block to set up a situation where you can go either way. ATTEMPT TO MAINTAIN CONTACT WITH THE DEFENSE!) If the defense fronts with the ball at the wing, set up as far from the lane as possible within four feet of the lane to create more space for the lob pass. If the defense fronts with the ball at the guard spot, set up as high as possible up to the fourth free throw lane space, to create more space for the lob pass. KEEP CONTACT WITH THE DEFENSE!



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