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Watch his midsection

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how do I defend on the ball?

Watch his midsection

When guarding the dribbler, watch his midsection(waist). He can't go anywhere without it, and you won't fall for foot fakes or ball fakes.



5/7/2008 6:38:51 PM
Tom said:

This works! thanks

10/17/2008 8:05:15 AM
Brandon Roberts said:

This is a good way to guard a guard. Especially if the person you're gurading is very quick and can move fast with the ball. This is a good way to guard a dribbler and keep him in front of you without getting crossed or shaken up.

7/24/2009 9:37:30 AM
Rupinder said:

How can i work on my foot speed because i feel like that's whats stopping me from being a very good defender

7/26/2009 11:56:09 AM
Brian said:

Line jumps are probably the most effective way to increase foot speed. you stand on one side of a line or crack, then jump it back and forth, getting faster and faster as you go. I myself would not be considered "quick of foot" by I am a good defender because of anticipation, which imo is more important. I can usually anticipate what a defender is going to do, which just takes practice. When you play ball on the playground, guard the best player on the court, that's how I improved my defense. GL.

7/24/2010 5:45:54 PM
alan said:

u right thats wat isay


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